Publications by Edward R Close

By Edward R. Close, PhD, PE,

Distinguished Fellow, ECAO & Senior Research Fellow, ISPE

Dawdy, David R., Kubik, H. E., Beard, L. R., and Close, E. R., “Worth of Streamflow Data for Project Design-A Pilot Study”, USACE, HEC Technical Paper 8, Sacramento, CA, 1968
Close, E.R., Dawdy, David R. “Worth of Streamflow Data for Reservoir Design”, ASCE Conference, Logan, UT, 1969

Matalas, N.C., Close, E.R., et al, “Optimization of Location of USGS WRD Water Quality Laboratories with respect to Source of Field Data”, Systems Analysis Group, USGS, Arlington VA, 1969

Dawdy, David R., Kubik, Harold E., and Close, E. R., Value of Streamflow Data for Project Design--A Pilot Study: Water Res. Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, p. 1045-1050, 1970
Close, E.R., “Analysis of the Correlation of Cyclic Sun Spot Activity with Global Weather Patterns”, Systems Analysis Group, USGS, Arlington VA, 1973

Close, E.R., “Mathematical Optimization Techniques for Environmental Modeling”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1972
Mandelbrot, B.B., Matalas, N.C., Amorocho, J., Close, E.R., et al, “Modeling of the Development and Movement of Storm Cells using Stochastic Fractals”, Systems Analysis Group, USGS, Arlington VA, 1973

Close, E.R., “Island-Wide Water Resources Management Study” Technical Report, USGS WRD, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Systems Analysis Group, USGS, Arlington VA, 1974

Close, E.R., “The Book of Atma” Libra Publishers, New York, 1977

Close, Edward R., “Industrial Cities of Saudi Arabia: Environmental Impact”, PhD Dissertation, Pacific Western University, Los Angeles, CA, 1988

Close, E.R., “Infinite Continuity”, Paradigm Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1989

Close, E.R., “Effects of Groundwater – Surface-water Interaction on Contaminant Plume Migration”, American Institution of Hydrology, Conference Proceedings, Portland, OR, 1992

Close, E.R, “The Search for Certainty” Unpublished Manuscript, Jackson, MO, 1996

Close ER: The Case for the Non-Quantum Receptor, in Toward a Science of Consciousness. Tucson II, 1996.

Close, E.R., “Transcendental Physics”, Gutenberg-Richter Publications, Marble Hill, MO, 1997

Close, E.R., “Transcendental Physics”, toExcell Press, iuniverse, Lincoln, NE, 2000

Brandin V, Close ER: “The Calculus of Dimensional Distinction”, in Elements of mathematical theory of intellect. Moscow, Interphysica Lab, 2003

Close, Edward R. and Close, Jacquelyn A., “Natures’ Mold Rx, the non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold”, EJC Publications, Jackson, Mo, 2007

Close, Edward R. and Close, Jacquelyn A., “Ancient Wisdom Modern Science, an Integrated Quantum-Psycho-Bio-Medical Theory of Health”, Sound Concepts, American Fork, UT, 2008

Close, Edward R., “Flood Related Mold Infestation and Health” Proceedings from Hurricane Ike Rice University SPEED Conference, Houston, TX, 2009

Close ER: “The Earth Is Expanding”, Telicom, The Journal of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry, (ISPE) 24:1; 20-29, 2011.

Close, E.R. and Neppe, V.M., “Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Feasibility Demonstration of the Finite Nine Dimensional Vortical Model in fermions”, the Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement (DIJECA), Seattle, WA, 2011

Close, Edward R., “Eliminating Toxic Mold Using the Thieves® Blend of Essential Oils”, Association for the International Research of Aromatic Science and Education (AIRASE) Wichita Falls, TX, 2012

Neppe, V.M. and Close, E.R. “Reality Begins with Consciousness --
A Paradigm Shift that Works”, Fourth Edition, e-book available on, Seattle, WA, 2013

Close ER, Neppe V.M., “Space, Time and Consciousness: The Tethered Triad.”, in press, Seattle, WA, 2013

Neppe VM, Close ER: Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm: Priorities. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1201:1201; 1031-1043, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: The Thirty Key Points Perspective of the TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm): Priorities. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1201:1201; 1044-1058, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: The Seventy Other Elements to the TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm): A Summary. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1201:1201; 1059-1078, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: Limitations of the Standard Model of Physics. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1201:1201; 1001-1010, 2012.

Close ER: Why the Earth May Be Expanding or Is it Only Expansion of the Universe?. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211; 18**-18**, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Space, Time and Consciousness. A Linkage. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1202:1202; 1101 -1115, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: The Qualit Model: Extending Planck. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1208:1208; 1559-1568, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: “The Infinite: Essence, Life and Extropy” , Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1202:1202; 1159-1169, 2012.

Close ER: “Determinism, Probabilism, Free Will and the Need for a New Scientific Paradigm”, Telicom 23:4; 29-37, 2010.

Neppe VM, Close ER: What Do Reality, Distinctions and Dimensions Mean in a Consciousness Model? Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1203:1203; 1180-1189, 2012.

Close ER: Dimensionometry Applied to Space, Time and Consciousness. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1208:1208, 2012 (In press)

Close ER, Neppe VM: Space, Time and Consciousness: The Tethered Triad. Seattle:, 2013 (In press).

Close ER: The Calculus of Distinctions: A Workable Mathematicologic Model across Dimensions and Consciousness. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1206:1206; 1387 -1397, 2012.

Close ER: Close’s Calculus of Distinctions and Indications. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211; 17**-17**, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Dimensions, Distinctions and the Role of the Metaconscious. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211; 18**-18**, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Concepts and Definitions in the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Model. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1203:1203; 1190 -1203, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Dimensions Beyond Conventional Physical Reality. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1203:1203; 1240 -1246, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: More on the Vortex. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1209:1209;, 2012 (In press).

Neppe VM, Close ER: Proposed Solutions to Complex Ideas on Vortices. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1209:1209;, 2012 (In press).

Close ER: Free Will: Are We Free? Or Does Determinism and Probabilism Dominate?. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211; 18**-18**, 2012.

Close ER: Time and Consciousness: A Mathematical Basis. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1204:1204; 1316 -1330, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Important Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Axioms. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1205:1205; 1331 -1341, 2012.

Close ER: Can a Quantum Physics Description of Brain Dynamics Explain Consciousness? Telicom 22:1; 2009

Close, E.R., Neppe, V.M., “Triadic Dimensional Distinction Paradigm Shift”, Toward a Science of Consciousness. Tucson , AZ, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Where Does Quantum Entanglement Fit the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Model Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1205:1205; 1342 -1351, 2012.

Close ER: Fermat’s Last Theorem. Close’s Proof in the 1970s. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1208:1208, 2012 (In press).

Neppe VM, Close ER: Consciousness and the “Theory of Everything” ("TOE"). Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211, 2012 (In press).

Close ER, Neppe VM: The Principles and Postulates Behind the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Model Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1206:1206; 1409 -1420, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: The Mathematicological Adaptations of the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Model Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1206:1206; 1421 -1427, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: Where Does Unified Monism Fit into the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1428-1439, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Mathematics Concepts and Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP). Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1211:1211; 19**-19**, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: The Mathematics of the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP): Speculations. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1210:1210; 17**-17**, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: How Does the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Compare as a Theory of Everything (TOE)? Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1460-1467, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: Comparison of the Theories of Everything Involving Consciousness or Dimensions. Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1524-1537, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: Whither Transcendental Physics and Vortex N-Dimensionalism? Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1468 -1476, 2012.

Close ER, Neppe VM: How the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) Works: The Unexplained Now Explained Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1518-1524, 2012.

Neppe VM, Close ER: The Value of the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) as a Theory of Everything (TOE). Dynamic Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1207:1207; 1548-1558, 2012.

Optimization of Stream-flow Data for Reservoir Design
Island-Wide Water Resources Management, Least-Cost Optimization. Puerto Rico

Dr. Close's most popular book, DVD, and educational brochure for mold prevention and remediation are shown below.

Nature's Mold Rx - The Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Mold
In this clear, easy to understand book, Dr. Edward and Jacquelyn Close provide 20 case studies and detail the discovery of a non-toxic remedy for the problems created by mold and exposure to it. Detailed instructions teach you how to use the exact procedure that Dr. Close developed and pioneered for preventing and eliminating mold from buildings      (203 pages). 
Toxic Mold - A Breakthrough Discovery DVD - 1 hour
This myth-busting, no-hype video presents scientific data that a safe, non-toxic blend of plant extracts, called essential oils, destroys mold in as little as 24 hours. Learn: Why Bleach is Ineffective -- Disastrous Mistakes almost everyone makes and how you can avoid them -- What mold may be doing to your health -- How to protect yourself, your workplace and your family. 
Thieves Household Cleaner vs The #1 Bestselling Green Cleaner
Learn about the benefits of a technologically advanced, non-toxic cleaner that is eco-friendly, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, yet it contains no synthetic chemical compounds. Best of all, it helps prevent and eliminate mold.

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